Justin Mares Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - Mastery by Robert Greene

Justin Mares: 'books that have changed my life: business’

Book 2 - Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Justin Mares: 'books that have changed my life: philosophy.’

Book 3 - The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Justin Mares: 'books that have changed my life: motivation/inspiration’.

Book 4 - The Moral Animal by Robert Wright

Justin Mares: 'books that have changed my life: evolutionary psychology.’

Book 5 - The Last Lion by Winston Spencer Churchill

Justin Mares: 'books that have changed my life: other non-fiction.’

Book 6 - Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

Justin Mares: 'books that have changed my life: sci-fi/fantasy.’


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