Andrew Huberman Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - Trauma by Paul Conti

Andrew Huberman: “The book “Trauma” by Paul Conti is, without question, the most informative & useful book about trauma & trauma healing I have ever read. I can’t recommend it highly enough. I also can’t wait to host him on the Huberman Lab Podcast.”

Book 2 - Finding Ultra by Rich Roll

Andrew Huberman: “Finding Ultra (Rich’s book) is a favorite of mine and Rich is a world class human being.”

Book 3 - The Prince of Medicine by Susan P. Mattern

Andrew Huberman: “Many people ask for book suggestions. The Prince of Medicine is a deep, highly detailed dive into the origins of Medicine, focused mostly on Galen. It’s not a protocol book (!) but if you’re interested in how we arrived at Modern Medicine, it reveals that. I love this book.”

Book 4 - Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke

Andrew Huberman: “What an incredible book! Definitely in my top 3 of all time. Dr Anna Lembke MD explains dopamine, pleasure, addiction and human nature. It has real science, clinical descriptions and relevance and practical tools. Phenomenal!”

Book 5 - The Secret Pulse of Time by Stefan Klein

Andrew Huberman: “The Secret Pulse of Time by Stefan Klein. A pure gem of a book that has allowed me to adaptively adjust my (psychological) stance in all aspects of life.”

Book 6 - The Nature of the Beast by David J. Anderson

Andrew Huberman: “If interested in the science underlying aggression, sex behavior, passivity and other states & emotions, this new book from Prof. David Anderson is superb: clear, modern, accessible, & rooted in data.”


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