Aaron Levie Book Recommendations (All-Time)

Book 1 - Survival to Thrival by Bob Tinker

Aaron Levie: “Suited for every B2B entrepreneur at varying stages of growth--must read by all!"

Book 2 - Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim

Aaron Levie: “One of four good books that I would highly recommend reading if you're gonna build a B2B software company."

Book 3 - High Growth Handbook by Elad Gil

Aaron Levie: “Jam-packs every useful lesson about building and scaling companies into a single, digestible book."

Book 4 - The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen

Aaron Levie: “One of four good books that I would highly recommend reading if you're gonna build a B2B software company."

Book 5 - Dealing with Darwin by Geoffrey A. Moore

Aaron Levie: “Fantastic book."

Book 6 - Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore

Aaron Levie: “One of four good books that I would highly recommend reading if you're gonna build a B2B software company."


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